Here's a list of talks I've given in the past, and some I plan to give in the future. Often the titles below belong to the publication that eventually came out of the talk, or the title as I'm presenting it now, rather than the title that was advertised.
April 29, Oxford Moral Philosophy Seminar - The Reliable Route from Is to Ought
February 16-20, Tokyo Workshop on Agency and Cognition - Credence in Psychological Explanation
January 7-10, Eastern APA - Comments on Laura Tomlinson's The Knowledge Condition on Intentional Action
December 12, National Tsing Hua University - Empathic Representation
November 20-21, Macau Conference on Natural Cognition - Empathic Representation
October 8, Underwood Symposium on Nietzsche's Constructivism by Justin Remhof - Comments
August 9-11, Contemporary Philosophy in East Asia - The Reliable Route from Is to Ought
June 5, Canadian Philosophical Association - Comments on Regard For Reason by Josh May
March 1, Macquarie Mental Health and Agency Workshop - Emotional perception and blameworthy psychopaths
January 10, University of California, Riverside - Emotional Perception of Morality
January 18, Cal State San Bernardino - The Reliable Route from Is to Ought
January 20, University of New Mexico - Nietzsche's Humean (All-too-Humean!) Theory of Motivation
January 24, University of Southern California - Experientialism About Moral Concepts
January 26, Northern Arizona University - Scalar Consequentialism the Right Way
January 27, University of Arizona - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
January 30, Arizona State University - The Reliable Route from Is to Ought
February 2, Florida International University - Credence in Psychological Explanation
February 3, University of Miami - The Reliable Route from Is to Ought
February 7, Stetson University - Credence in Psychological Explanation
February 10, Florida State University - Experientialism About Moral Concepts
February 13, University of Alabama - Experientialism About Moral Concepts
February 15, University of Alabama at Birmingham - Credence in Psychological Explanation
February 16, Rice University - Experientialism About Moral Concepts
February 17, NOISE Conference, New Orleans - Commentary on "Metanormative Constructivism..." by Hille Paakkunainen
February 20, Louisiana State University - Humean Nature
February 23, Texas A&M University - Credence in Psychological Explanation
February 24, Southern Methodist University - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
February 27, Franklin and Marshall - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
February 28, University of Pennsylvania - Emotional Perception of Morality
March 1, Drexel University - Nietzsche's Humean (All-too-Humean!) Theory of Motivation
March 3, University of Nevada Las Vegas - Credence in Psychological Explanation
March 6, University of Texas at Austin - The Reliable Route from Is to Ought
March 9, Rutgers University - Humean Nature
March 13, Trinity College Dublin - Humean Nature
March 15, University of Surrey - Scalar Consequentialism the Right Way
March 20-21, University of Nottingham - In Defense of Partisanship
March 23, University of Bristol - Humean Nature
March 28, University of Glasgow - The Reliable Route from Is to Ought
March 29, Cardiff University - Epistemic Akrasia for the Rational Pragmatist
March 30, University of Stirling - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
April 3, University of Geneva - Experientialism about Moral Concepts
April 5, Open University - The Reliable Route from Is to Ought
April 7, University of Oslo - Scalar Consequentialism the Right Way
April 10, Slovak Academy of Sciences - Ethical Reductionism
April 11, Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Humean Nature
April 12, University of Zagreb - The Reliable Route from Is to Ought
April 13, Zagreb Institute of Philosophy - Ethical Reductionism
April 19, University of Aberdeen - Epistemic Akrasia for the Rational Pragmatist
April 21, University of St. Andrews - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
April 26, University of Warwick - Epistemic Akrasia for the Rational Pragmatist
April 27, University of Leeds - Experientialism About Moral Concepts
May 3, University of Tubingen - Experientialism About Moral Concepts
May 4, University of Hamburg - Experientialism About Moral Concepts
May 8, University of Milan - Experientialism About Moral Concepts
May 10, University of Trento - Experientialism About Moral Concepts
June 6, Notre Dame - Credence in Psychological Explanation
June 7, University of Chicago - The Reliable Route from Is to Ought
June 13, Duke University (Center for Advanced Hindsight) - Desire, Procrastination, and Self-control
June 21, University of Groningen - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
June 26, University of Zurich - Epistemic Akrasia for the Rational Pragmatist
June 28-29, University of Southampton Conference on Loving, Wondering, and Knowing -
July 3, Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Humean Nature book symposium
July 19, University of Milan - Humean Nature book symposium
November 7, Academia Sinica - Experientialism About Moral Concepts
November 8, National Tsing Hua University - Experientialism About Moral Concepts
November 10-11, Taiwan Metaphysics Colloquium on Donald Davidson - Pleasure in Action
December 4-7, New Zealand Association of Philosophy - What is Naturalism in Metaethics?
April 25, Lingnan University - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
April 26, University of Macau - Emotional Perception of Morality
April 28, Hong Kong University - Emotional Perception of Morality
May 3, National Yang-Ming University - Credence in Psychological Explanation
May 4, National Chung Cheng University - Nietzschean Pragmatism
May 5, UIC Yonsei (graduate students) - Emotional Perception of Morality
May 6, UIC Yonsei - Humean Nature
May 9, Metropolitan University of Tokyo - Humean Nature
May 10, Kyoto University - Nietzsche's Humean (All-too-Humean!) Theory of Motivation
May 18, Stanford University - Humean Nature (Intention)
May 27, University of Washington - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
June 2, Portland State University - Humean Nature
July 4, Australasian Association Philosophy - Credence in Psychological Explanation
July 14, University of Waikato - Scalar Consequentialism the Right Way
July 15, Massey University (Palmerston North) - Scalar Consequentialism the Right Way
July 19, University of Canterbury - Desire
July 20, University of Otago - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
July 21, Victoria University of Wellington - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
July 22, University of Auckland - The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism
July 25, Massey University (Albany) - The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism
July 29, Australian Catholic University - Divine Fine-Tuning vs. Electrons in Love
August 2, Deakin University - Nietzsche's Humean (All-too-Humean!) Theory of Motivation
August 3, La Trobe University - Nietzsche's Humean (All-too-Humean!) Theory of Motivation
August 4, University of Melbourne - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
August 5, University of Adelaide - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
August 9, Charles Sturt University - The Reliable Route from Is to Ought
August 12, Monash University - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
August 16, Macquarie University - Experientialism
August 17, University of Sydney - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
August 18, University of Wollongong - Nietzsche's Humean (All-too-Humean!) Theory of Motivation
August 19, University of Queensland - Humean Nature
August 22, Nanyang Technological University - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
August 26, Boise State University (public lecture) - The Value of Philosophy in the Age of Google
August 27, Boise State University - The Argument from Disagreement
August 29, University of Colorado - The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism
August 30, Colorado State University - Scalar Consequentialism The Right Way
August 31, Metropolitan State Denver & University of Colorado Denver - Nietzsche's Humean (All-too-Humean!) Theory of Motivation
September 1, Weber State University - The Value of Philosophy in the Age of Google
September 2, University of Utah - The Reliable Route from Is to Ought
September 6, CSBSJU - Emotional Perception of Morality
September 8, Macalester College - Nietzsche's Humean (All-Too-Humean) Theory of Motivation
September 9, University of Minnesota - The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism
September 13, Wayne State University - The Reliable Route from Is to Ought
September 14, University of Michigan EDG - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
September 16, University of Montreal - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
September 19, Concordia University - Relativism
September 20, University of Vermont - Humean Nature
September 23, Brown University - Experientialism about Moral Concepts
September 27, University of Connecticut - Humean Nature
September 29, University at Buffalo - Humean Nature
September 30, Boston University - Humean Nature
October 5, Brandeis - Experientialism about Moral Concepts
October 7, Ohio State University - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
October 10, Kent State University - Nietzsche's Humean (All-Too-Humean) Theory of Motivation
October 11, University of Akron - Scalar Consequentialism the Right Way
October 13, Cleveland State University - Scalar Consequentialism the Right Way
October 14, Duke University Moral Attitudes & Decisions Lab - Emotional Perception of Morality
October 14, Duke University - The Reliable Route from Is to Ought
October 20, UNC Asheville - Scalar Consequentialism the Right Way
October 27, Illinois State University - The Reliable Route from Is to Ought
October 28, University of Illinois - Humean Nature
November 3, University of Missouri St. Louis - Experientialism about Moral Concepts
November 4, Washington University St. Louis - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
November 9, University of Cincinnati - Hedonism
November 10, University of Nebraska, Omaha - Experientialism about Moral Concepts
November 11, University of Nebraska, Lincoln - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
November 14, IUPUI - Scalar Consequentialism the Right Way
November 15, DePauw University - Emotional Perception of Morality
November 18, Northern Illinois University - The Reliable Route from Is to Ought
November 25, University of Manitoba - The Reliable Route from Is to Ought
November 30, University of Houston - Experientialism about Moral Concepts
December 1, University of Mississippi - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
December 8, University of Toledo - Nietzsche's Humean (All-too-Humean!) Theory of Motivation
December 9, Bowling Green State University - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
January 14, Tulane University - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
March 10, Louisiana State University - Zarathustra's Metaethics
April 3, Pacific APA - Nietzschean Pragmatism
May 1, University of Texas at Austin - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
May 4, University of Texas at Austin - Humean Nature
May 28, Portland State University - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
June 3, University of Oregon - Emotional Perception of Morality
July 7, Australasian Association of Philosophy - The Backward Clock, Truth-Tracking, and Safety
September 24, University of Antwerp - Humean Nature
December 3, Australia National University - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
December 8, New Zealand Association of Philosophy - Experientialism about Moral Concepts
January 24, INSEAD Asia - The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism
March 6-7, Oxford Hedonism Conference - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
April 24, San Francisco State University- Zarathustra's Metaethics
May 8, Sacramento State University- Zarathustra's Metaethics
May 9, University of California at Davis - From Moral Twin Earth to Pleasure in Eden
June 22-24, Society for Exact Philosophy - Zarathustra's Metaethics
September 9, Bowling Green State University - Humean Nature
September 27, Creighton Club - Ethical Reductionism
October 24, Georgia State University - Emotional Perception of Morality
December 1, University of Pennsylvania - Humean Nature
December 10, University of Antwerp - Humean Nature
January 4, University of California, San Diego - Ethical Reductionism
January 10, Arizona State University - Virtue and Desire
January 16, Utah State University - Zarathustra's Metaethics
January 17, Weber State University - Divine Fine-Tuning vs. Electrons in Love
January 18, University of Utah - Emotional Perception of Morality
January 25, University of New Mexico - Zarathustra's Metaethics
January 29, University of Central Arkansas - guest lecture
January 29, University of Central Arkansas - Emotional Perception of Morality
January 30, University of Arkansas, Little Rock - Emotional Perception of Morality
February 1, University of Nevada, Las Vegas - Emotional Perception of Morality
February 5, Biola University - Divine Fine-Tuning vs. Electrons in Love
February 7, Claremont College - Humean Nature
February 8, University of California, Riverside - Humean Nature
February 12, Old Dominion University - Divine Fine-Tuning vs. Electrons in Love
February 13, Virginia Commonwealth University - Humean Nature
February 15, University of Virginia - Virtue and Desire
February 21, George Mason University - Virtue and Desire
February 22, William and Mary - Humean Nature
February 25, Coastal Carolina University - The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism
February 26, Coastal Carolina University (class) - guest appearance
February 26, University of North Carolina, Wilmington - Divine Fine-Tuning vs. Electrons in Love
February 28, University of Texas (class) - The Desire-Belief Account of Intention Explains Everything
March 7, Yale Moral Philosophy Group - Humean Nature
March 9, Dartmouth College - Emotional Perception of Morality
March 13, Williams College (class) - Humean Theory of Motivation Reformulated & Defended
March 15, Brandeis University (graduate colloquium) - Humean Nature
March 19, Brandeis University (class) - The Desire-Belief Account of Intention Explains Everything
March 21, Bridgewater State University - Humean Nature
March 29, Kansas State University (faculty colloquium) - Humean Nature
April 1, Kansas State University (undergraduate club) - Divine Fine-Tuning vs. Electrons in Love
April 2, Northern Illinois University (class) - The Desire-Belief Account of Intention Explains Everything
April 3, Northern Illinois University - Humean Nature
April 5, University of Wisconsin at Milwaukee - Humean Nature
April 10, Swarthmore College - Humean Nature
April 11, Franklin and Marshall College - Humean Nature
April 12, University of Pennsylvania - Humean Nature
April 16, University College Dublin - Humean Nature
April 17, Cardiff University - Humean Nature
April 22, Oxford Moral Philosophy Seminar - Humean Nature
April 24, University of York - Humean Nature
April 26, University of Sheffield - Humean Nature
April 30, University of Stirling (undergraduate club) - Emotional Perception of Morality
May 2, University of Stirling - Humean Nature
May 6, University of Aberdeen - Humean Nature
May 10, University of Edinburgh - Humean Nature
May 14, University of Glasgow - Humean Nature
May 15, University of Nottingham - Humean Nature
May 18-19, Character Workshop - Virtue and Desire
May 23, University of California, Santa Cruz - Humean Nature
May 30, Portland State University - Humean Nature
June 4, University of New South Wales - Humean Nature
June 7, University of Auckland - Virtue and Desire
June 19, University of Auckland - Humean Nature
July 7-12, Australasian Association of Philosophy - The Humean Theory of Procrastination
July 15, Queensland Club - Emotional Perception of Morality
July 25, Charles Sturt University - Humean Nature
July 30, Australia National University - Humean Nature
July 31, Australia National University - Unequal Vividness and Double Effect
August 2, University of Adelaide - Humean Nature
August 7, Murdoch University - Emotional Perception of Morality
August 9, University of Western Australia - Ethical Reductionism
April 18, Nanyang Technological University - Ethical Reductionism
May 7, University of Erfurt - Ethical Reductionism
May 10, Naturalism and Normativity in the Social Sciences Conference - Ethical Reductionism
July 12, Oxford Persons and their Brains conference - Unequal Vividness and Double Effect
July 16, Oxford Uehiro Centre - The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism
June 27-28, Global Themes in Ethical Naturalism, Singapore - "Emotional Perception of Morality"
July 3-8, Australasian Association of Philosophy, Dunedin - "Ethical Reductionism"
July 12, Canterbury (Christchurch NZ) - "The Epistemic Argument For Hedonism"
July 14-15, Naturalisms in Ethics, Auckland - "Emotional Perception of Morality"
July 16-17, Australasian Philosophy of Religion Association, Auckland - "Fine-tuning & Psychophysical Laws"
July 20, University of Tasmania - Zarathustra's Metaethics
July 27, La Trobe (Melbourne) - Zarathustra's Metaethics
July 28, University of Melbourne - The Epistemic Argument For Hedonism
July 29, University of Queensland - Zarathustra's Metaethics
Aug 26, Boise State Public Lecture - Zarathustra's Metaethics
Aug 27, Boise State - The Gap Between Thought and Ought
Aug 29, Tennessee - Ethical Reductionism
September 2, Georgetown - The Desire-Belief Account of Intending Explains Everything
September 6, Michigan Ethics Discussion Group - The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism
September 8, Wayne State - The Desire-Belief Account of Intending Explains Everything
September 9, Michigan State - Unequal Vividness and Double Effect
September 12, Northern Illinois - Emotional Perception of Morality
September 13, Illinois at Chicago - Unequal Vividness and Double Effect
September 15, University of Portland - Zarathustra's Metaethics
September 20, Puget Sound - Ethical Reductionism
September 22, WUSTL - The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism
September 23, UMSL - The Desire-Belief Account of Intending Explains Everything
September 26, Illinois State - The Gap Between Thought and Ought
September 28, IUPUI - God, Fine-Tuning, and Psychophysical Laws
September 29, DePauw - Zarathustra's Metaethics
September 30, Cincinnati - Ethical Reductionism
October 3, Princeton Normative Workshop - The Desire-Belief Account of Intending Explains Everything
October 4, Rutgers guest lecture for Andy Egan's philosophy of food class
October 5, Maryland - The Desire-Belief Account of Intending Explains Everything
October 7, Syracuse - Fine-Tuning and Psychophysical Laws
October 11, Yale Moral Philosophy Group - The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism
October 14, Tufts - Emotional Perception of Morality
October 17, Salem State - Belief and Imagination: Against the Norm Theory
October 21 Delaware - The Desire-Belief Account of Intending Explains Everything
October 23, UNC Metaethics Group - Ethical Reductionism
October 28, Florida State - The Desire-Belief Account of Intending Explains Everything
October 31, Florida - Ethical Reductionism
November 4, South Florida - Zarathustra's Metaethics
November 8, Miami - Zarathustra's Metaethics
November 9, UAB - God, Fine-Tuning and Psychophysical Laws
November 10, Alabama - The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism
November 14, Houston - Ethical Reductionism
November 15, Arkansas at Little Rock - The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism
November 16, University of Central Arkansas - The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism
November 17, SMU - Ethical Reductionism
November 18, Texas - Ethical Reductionism
November 28, Kansas State - Emotional Perception of Morality
December 1, Kansas - Zarathustra's Metaethics
December 2, Oklahoma - Desire, Action, and Pleasure
December 4, UMKC Philosophy Squares
December 9, Bowling Green - The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism
December 16, Australian National University - The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism
July 13, St. Andrews Seminar on Methodology - The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism
December 5-9, AAP-New Zealand - Why My Pants Are Not Subject to Requirements of Rationality
December 2, University of Western Australia - Zarathustra’s Metaethics
July 7-9, Nietzsche’s Postmoralism Conference - Zarathustra’s Metaethics
June 8, Northern Illinois University - Zarathustra’s Metaethics
June 10, Illinois State University - The Desire/Belief Account of Intention Explains Everything
May 28, University of Chicago - The Desire/Belief Account of Intention Explains Everything
May 26, University of Illinois - The Desire/Belief Account of Intention Explains Everything
May 21, Tufts University - The Desire/Belief Account of Intention Explains Everything
May 12, King’s College London - The Desire/Belief Account of Intention Explains Everything
May 12, University of Southern California - The Humean Theory of Practical Irrationality
May 13, Arizona - The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism
May 15, University of Miami - The Humean Theory of Practical Irrationality
May 18, University of Tennessee - The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism
June 4, Illinois State - The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism
June 5, Illinois - The Humean Theory of Practical Irrationality
June 10, King's College London - The Epistemic Argument for Hedonism
June 17, Oriel College Oxford - The Humean Theory of Practical Irrationality
July 30, University of Puget Sound - Possible Girls
December 1, Australian National University - Distinguishing Belief and Imagination
December 3, University of Waikato - Unequal Vividness and Double Effect
December 7-10, New Zealand AAP - Advantages of Propositionalism
December 14, University of Sydney - Distinguishing Belief and Imagination
December 15, Macquarie University - Unequal Vividness and Double Effect
December 16, University of New South Wales - Unequal Vividness and Double Effect
December 17, University of Western Australia - Unequal Vividness and Double Effect
January 21, National University of Singapore - The Humean Theory of Motivation Reformulated & Defended
February 13, Louisiana State University - The Humean Theory of Motivation Reformulated & Defended
July 6, Australasian Association of Philosophy - The Humean Theory of Practical Irrationality
February 2, Bowling Green State University - The Humean Theory of Motivation Reformulated & Defended
February 16, University of Texas at Austin, Nietzsche's Ethics - Commentary on 'Eternal Recurrence and Nihilism:' by Nadeem Hussain
April 23, University of Texas at Austin Graduate Conference - Possible Girls
February 14, University of Texas at Austin, Moral Theory after Nietzsche - Commentary on 'Nietzsche: Perfectionist' by Thomas Hurka